Results for 'Ḥamzah ibn Maḥmūd ibn ʻĪsá ibn Aḥmad Buḥayṣī'

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  1.  34
    CEO compensation and timing of Executive Stock Option exercises.Ahmad Ibn Ibrahimy & Rubi Ahmad - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (2):101-115.
  2. Le Livre de la Sagesse Orientale Kit'b Hikmat Al-Ishr'q.Yahyá ibn Habash Suhrawardi, Henry Corbin, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Mahmud ibn Mas ud Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi - 1986
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    76 GunoḣI Kabira.Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Dhahabī - 2011 - Dushanbe: SAD.
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    كتاب الاخلاق والسير أو رسالة فى مداواة النفوس وتهذيب الاخلاق والزهد فى الرذائل.Ali ibn Ahmad Ibn Hazm & Eva Riad - 1980 - Stockholm, Sweden: Almquis & Wiksell International. Edited by Eva Riad.
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    Badā'i' al-Zuhūr fi Waqā'i' al-DuhūrBada'i' al-Zuhur fi Waqa'i' al-Duhur.Philip K. Hitti, Muḥammad ibn-Aḥmad ibn-Iyās, Paul Kahle, Muḥammad Muṣṭafa, Moritz Sobernheim, Muhammad ibn-Ahmad ibn-Iyas & Muhammad Mustafa - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):213.
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    Fiqh Al-Hayâ': understanding the Islamic concept of modesty.Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ismail Al-Muwaddim - 2015 - Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.
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    al-Asʼila wa-ăl-aǧwiba.Muhammad ibn Ahmad Biruni, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Mahdi Muhaqqiq, Ahmad ibn Ali Mas umi & Avicenna - 1995
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    Al-Iklīl (al-juz' al-thāmin)Historia de los amores de Bayāḍ y Riyāḍ. Una chantefable oriental en estilo persa (Vat. Ar. 368)Al-Iklil (al-juz' al-thamin)Historia de los amores de Bayad y Riyad. Una chantefable oriental en estilo persa. [REVIEW]G. Levi Della Vida, Al-Ḥasan ibn-Aḥmad al-Hamdānī, Nabih Amin Faris, A. R. Nykl & Al-Hasan ibn-Ahmad al-Hamdani - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (4):303.
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    Assortative mating for height in Pakistani arranged marriages.Mahmud Ahmad - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (2):211-214.
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    Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants on Befriending Emirs.'Abd Al-Wahhab Ibn Ahmad Ibn 'Ali Al-Sha'rani - 2017 - Yale University Press.
    _This mirror for princes sheds light on the relationship between spiritual and political authority in early modern Egypt_ This guide to political behavior and expediency offers advice to Sufi shaykhs, or spiritual guides, on how to interact and negotiate with powerful secular officials, judges, and treasurers, or emirs. Translated into English for the first time, it is a unique account of the relationship between spiritual and political authority in late medieval / early modern Islamic society.
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    Philanthropic Misconception.Aasim Ahmad & Syed Maum Mahmud - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (2):154-161.
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    Revealing the Moderating Role of Organizational Support in HR Professionals’ Competencies, Willingness, and Effectiveness Relationship: Empirical Evidence From a Developing Economy.Aqeel Ahmad, Muhammad Fareed, Mohd Faizal Mohd Isa & Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resources management is essential to ensure the success of any organization which is based on the belief that an organization gains competitive advantage by using its people effectively and efficiently. But HR professionals need organizational support to make the employees more committed and passionate about their work. In this study, the researchers aim to examine the moderating effect of organizational support in the relationship between human resource professionals’ competencies, HR professionals’ willingness, and HR professionals’ effectiveness. HR Professionals’ competencies such (...)
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    Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam: ʻAbd Allah Baydawi's Text, Tawaliʻ Al-anwar Min Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Along with Mahmud Isfahani's Commentary, Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Sharh Tawaliʻ Al-anwar.Abd Allah Ibn Umar Baydawi & Mahmud Isfahani - 2002 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Edwin Elliott Calverley, James W. Pollock & Maḥmūd ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Iṣfahānī.
    A contemporary to Thomas Aquinas in Latin Catholic Italy, and with a parallel motivation to stabilize each his own civilization in its flux and storm, 'Abd Allah Baydawi of Ilkhan Persia wrote a compact and memorable Arabic Summation of Islamic Natural and Traditional Theology. With the same strokes of his pen he presented the Islamic version of the Science of Theological Statement, bafflingly called "Kalam" while familiarly embracing "Theology". Baydawi's Tawali'al-Anwar min Matal'al-Anzar (Rays of Dawnlight Outstreaming from Far Horizons of (...)
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    Migration as a determinant of marriage pattern: preliminary report on consanguinity among Afghans.Abdul Wahab, Mahmud Ahmad & Syed Akram Shah - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (3):315.
    Two sample populations, one refugee and one resident, were studied. The frequencies of consanguineous marriages came out to be 49·8% and 55·4%, respectively, for the refugees and the residents. Caste endogamy was dominant both in the residents and the refugees. The mean coefficient of inbreeding was calculated to be 0·0303 for the refugee population and 0·0332 for the resident population samples. First cousin marriage was the dominant type of marriage in both samples; fathers daughter (FBD) marriage was more frequent among (...)
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    Patients as Teaching Tools: Merely Informed or True Consent. [REVIEW]Syed Mamun Mahmud & Aasim Ahmad - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (4):255-260.
    Using patients as teaching tools raise many ethical issues like informed consent, privacy, confidentiality and beneficence. The current study highlights issues on respecting patient’s choice and acquiring informed consent with its spirit rather than as mere formality. The study was conducted in out-patient department of The Kidney Center Postgraduate Training Institute Karachi Pakistan in May 2008 to July 2008. All patients who had come for the first time to see the author were included in the study. The said study explored (...)
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  16. al-Fikr al-siyāsī wa-al-akhlāqī ʻinda al-ʻĀmirī: Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, al-mutawaffá ʻām 381 H: dirāsat wa-taḥqīq kitāb al-Saʻādah wa-al-isʻād fī al-sīrah al-insānīyah.Ahmad Abd Al-Halim Atiyah & Abu Al-Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Amiri - 1991 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm ʻAṭīyah.
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    Arabic in the Southern Sudan. History and Spread of a Pidgin Creole.Alan S. Kaye, ʾUshari Ahmad Mahmud & Ushari Ahmad Mahmud - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):175.
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  18. What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey.Juntra Karbwang, Nut Koonrungsesomboon, Cristina E. Torres, Edlyn B. Jimenez, Gurpreet Kaur, Roli Mathur, Eti N. Sholikhah, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Chih-Shung Wong, Kwanchanok Yimtae, Murnilina Abdul Malek, Liyana Ahamad Fouzi, Aisyah Ali, Beng Z. Chan, Madawa Chandratilake, Shoen C. Chiew, Melvyn Y. C. Chin, Manori Gamage, Irene Gitek, Mohammad Hakimi, Narwani Hussin, Mohd F. A. Jamil, Pavithra Janarsan, Madarina Julia, Suman Kanungo, Panduka Karunanayake, Sattian Kollanthavelu, Kian K. Kong, Bing-Ling Kueh, Ragini Kulkarni, Paul P. Kumaran, Ranjith Kumarasiri, Wei H. Lim, Xin J. Lim, Fatihah Mahmud, Jacinto B. V. Mantaring, Siti M. Md Ali, Nurain Mohd Noor, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Elanngovan Nagandran, Maisarah Noor, Kim H. Ooi, Jebananthy A. Pradeepan, Ahmad H. Sadewa, Nilakshi Samaranayake, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Wasanthi Subasingha, Sivasangari Subramaniam, Nadirah Sulaiman, Ju F. Tay, Leh H. Teng, Mei M. Tew, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Peter S. K. Tok, Jayanie Weeratna & T. Wibawa - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Background The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in (...)
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  19.  20
    Modelling the Effect of Vaccination Program and Inter-state Travel in the Spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia.Muhamad Afiq Aziz, Zhou Yuhao, Siti Suzlin Supadi, Nor Aishah Hamzah, Ahmad Dzulhilmi Ahmad Safaruddin & Muhamad Hifzhudin Noor Aziz - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (1):1-22.
    A modified version of the SEIR model with the effects of vaccination and inter-state movement is proposed to simulate the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia. A mathematical analysis of the proposed model was performed to derive the basic reproduction number. To enhance the model’s forecasting capabilities, the model parameters were estimated using the Nelder–Mead simplex method by fitting the model outputs to the observed data. Our results showed a good fit between the model outputs and available data, where the model (...)
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  20.  29
    Fażāyī’s Çihil-nām al-Manẓūm Entitled as Khawaṣṣ al-Asmā al-Ḥusnā Mathnawī.Seydi Ki̇raz - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):999-1034.
    Turkish-Islamic literature contains numerous religious literar writings. In the existing literature, it can be seen that many kinds such as tawhīd, munājāt, nʿat, mawlid, hilya, hijrah-nāma, shafāʿat-nāma, miʿrāj, qisas al-anbiya, ramaḍāniyya, and al-asmā al-ḥusnā were written. Al-Asmā al-ḥusnā, written in the form of poetry and prose, were mostly sharḥ or their khawaṣṣ were explained. Çihil-nām al-Manẓūm, which is mentioned in the study, was written as khawaṣṣ al-asmā al-ḥusnā. The work is a poet entitled as Fażāyī. Manuscript was written in the (...)
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  21.  50
    Le commentaire par al-Kindī de l' Optique d'euclide: un traité jusqu'ici inconnu.Roshdi Rashed - 1997 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 7 (1):9-56.
    Après avoir écrit son fameuxDe aspectus, al-Kindī a composé un substantiel commentaire critique de l'Optiqued'Euclide: laRectification de l'erreur et des difficultés dues à Euclide dans son livre appelél'Optique. Jusqu'ici ignoré, ce nouveau venu n'enrichit pas seulement notre connaissance de l'optique des géomètres du milieu du IXesiècle, mais aussi celle de l'antiquité tardive. Ce premier commentaire connu de l'Optiqued'Euclide soulève à nouveau la question des traditions textuelles de ce traité, de leur multiplicité, du rôle de Théon d'Alexandrie; il pose aussi le (...)
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  22.  30
    The shipwrecked sailor in Arabic and Western literature: Ibn Ṭufayl and his influence on European writers.Mahmud Baroud - 2012 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    From the ancient Egyptian tale of a Shipwrecked Sailor through to Sinbad and Robinson Crusoe, the stranded castaway living and philosophizing alone on a strange, desert island is a theme which has captured the imaginations of writers spanning cultures and millennia. Most familiar to Western literary historians is Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, which inspired generations of writers from Jonathan Wyss and William Golding to Michel Tournier and J.M.Coetzee. However, little attention has been paid to Defoe’s antecedents, such as the remarkable (...)
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    The Refinement of Character (Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq)The Refinement of Character.G. M. Wickens, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammand Miskawayh, Constantine K. Zurayk & Ahmad Ibn-Muhammand Miskawayh - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):552.
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    The Reliance of the Traveller: A Classical Manual of Islamic Sacred Law by Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1368) in Arabic with Facing English Text, Commentary and Appendices. [REVIEW]Farhat J. Ziadeh, Noah Ha Mim Keller & Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):147.
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    'Ali ibn 'Isa, Das Astrolab und sein Gebrauch.C. Schoy & J. Drecker - 1927 - Isis 9 (2):239-254.
  26. Abu Isa ibn al-Munajjim's Chronography.Samuel M. Stern - 1972 - In Richard Walzer, S. M. Stern, Albert Hourani & Vivian Brown, Islamic philosophy and the classical tradition. Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 437--466.
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  27.  49
    Ibn al-Haytham’s Revision of the Euclidean Foundations of Mathematics.Ahmad Ighbariah & Roy Wagner - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):62-86.
    This article studies Ibn al-Haytham’s treatment of the common notions from Euclid’s Elements (usually referred to today as the axioms). We argue that Ibn al-Haytham initiated a new approach with regard to these foundational statements, rejecting their qualification as innate, self-evident, or primary. We suggest that Ibn al-Haytham’s engagement with experimental science, especially optics, led him to revise the framing of Euclidean common notions in a way that would fit his experimental approach.
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    Ibn atha`illah and the modern philoshopycal sufism.Ahmad Sidqi - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):375-396.
    Rationalities is being have sufficient as the new god of modern humans. Being the fuel of spirit, they try to negate “Being” or metaphysical. The impact of it they alienate the social crisis and spiritual crisis. The extremely spiritual crisis generates atheism or at least agnostic. They leaned on the knowledges and technologist which have suspected them as the driving force of modernization process have resulted the higher degree of modern humans’ rationality. Instead of losing the beliefs is precisely created (...)
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    The Economic and Social Life in Egypt during the Reign of Ayyubid Sultan Saladin (567 AH-1171 AD)-589 AH/1193AD) A Vision through the Journey (Rihlat) of Ibn Jubayr. [REVIEW]Isa Mahmoud Alazzam - 2014 - Asian Culture and History 6 (1):p64.
    This research aims to study the description, life and biography of the Ayyubid sultan Saladin by Ibn Jubayr, and the economic and social conditions of Egypt as witnessed and described by the traveler Ibn Jubayr and the following results are concluded: First: Ibn Jubayr praised the Ayyubid sultan Saladin and his good conduct and behavior with the subjects, his fairness, his patience and forbearance, modesty and his keen in interest in Jihad for the Sake of Allah. He called him the (...)
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  30.  16
    The epistemology of Ibn Khaldūn.Zaid Ahmad - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    This is an analytical examination of Ibn Khaldun's epistemology, centred on Chapter Six of the Muqaddima. In this chapter, entitled The Book of Knowledge (Kitab al'Ilm), Ibn Khaldun sketched his general ideas about knowledge and science and its relationship with human social organisation and the establishment of a civilisation.
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  31. Davoud-ibn-Muhabber's Al-Aql Book: An Attempt to analyze the Book and Reconstruction of a theory.Ahmad Pakatchi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):153-171.
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  32. Mawqif Ibn Rushd min ishkālīyat al-maʻrifah al-Ṣūfīyah.Ahmad Bilhaj Ayt Warham - 2001 - Marrākush: Dār Walīlī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Ibn Taymiyyah’s Philosophical Critique to Ibn ‘Arabī’s Waḥdat Al-Wujūd Thought.Lukmanul Hakim, Ahmad Ahmad & Rahmad Tri Hadi - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):229-250.
    This research aims to describe and analyze Ibn Taymiyyah’s philosophical-constructive critique of Ibn ‘Arabī’s waḥdat al-wujūd thought. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical. The primary data used in this research are the works of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn ‘Arabī. Meanwhile, secondary data in this research are books, journal articles, and other websites that discuss the thoughts of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn ‘Arabī. The research results show that Ibn Taymiyyah rejected thinking of waḥdat al-wujūd, because of his understanding of (...)
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    Absolute Hiddenness in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Mystical School and Withdrawal of Being in Heidegger’s Thought: A Comparison through the Platonic Agathon.Ahmad Rajabi - 2023 - Kritike 16 (3):123-141.
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    Risālah fī Māhiyat al-'AdlRisalah fi Mahiyat al-'Adl.George N. Atiyeh, Abū 'Alī Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad Miskawaih, M. S. Khan & Abu 'Ali Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Miskawaih - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):420.
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    Mujmal al-Tawarikh wa-'l-QisasMujmal al-Aqwal fi al-Hikam wa al-Amthal.William L. Hanaway, Mahmoud Omidsalar, Iraj Afshar & Ahmad ibn-I. Ahmad ibn-I. Ahmad-I. Domanisi - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (3):626.
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  37. Los Carácteres y la Conducta, Tr. Española Por M. Asín.Ab U. Muhammad Alî B. Ahmad Ibn Hazm & Miguel Asín Palacios - 1916
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    Ibn Rushd, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Ḥafīd (Averroes).Taneli Kukkonen - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 494--501.
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    Aḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal's FiqhAhmad Ibn Hanbal's Fiqh.Susan A. Spectorsky - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):461.
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    Ibn Khaldūn et ses lecteurs.Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Salām - 1983 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Muslim Philosophy of History.Zaid Ahmad - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 437–445.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Muslim or Islamic Philosophy of History? Islamic Concept of History Development of Muslim Philosophy of History and Historiography Two Muslim Philosophers of History: Ibn Miskawayh and Ibn Khaldun Muslim Philosophy of History and Encounters with the West Conclusion References Further Reading.
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  42.  24
    The System of Divine Manifestation in The Ibn ‘Arabian School of Thought.Seyyed Ahmad Fazeli - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):109.
    One of the fundamental problems of Theoretical Mysticism is the explanation of the world as being something other than God after having accepted the Unity of Existence. This paper seeks to present, after having explained certain necessary premises, the theory of manifestation as one that can explain and analyze multiplicity. In this article we especially seek to solidify the relation of such claims to mystics in general and to the adherents of the Ibn ‘Arabian school of thought in particular. This (...)
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  43. Philosophy of Ibn Tufayl.Zafar Ahmad Siddiqi - 1965 - Aligarh,: Aligarh Muslim University.
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    The spiritual turn.Ahmad Sidqi - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):289-303.
    This article discusses the philosophical dimension of post-modern societies. It examines the champion of rationalities of modern human beings and contends its contemporary limits. It argues that the modern rational philosophies that over-simplify the meaning “being” in metaphysical form has led to the civilizational crisis. In religious dimension, modern human has been sacrificing their inner spiritual dimension of humanity. As a response to this crisis, modernity has initiated the birth of “spiritual turn” that modern human tries to reinvent their spirituality, (...)
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  45.  27
    مدرسة البصرة الحديثية في النصف الأول من القرن الأول الهجري: دراسة في أسباب التأخر العلمي عن مدرسة الكوفة.‪Ahmad Snobar - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):433-485.
    Bu araştırma hicri birinci asrın ilk yarısında varlık gösteren Basra’nın, fıkhıyla meşhur bazı sahâbîlere ev sahipliği yapmasına rağmen hadis ve fıkıh ilimlerinde, aynı dönemde öne çıkan Kûfe’den geri kalmasının muhtemel sebeplerine odaklanmaktadır. Söz konusu sahâbe arasında öne çıkanlar, Basra’da on iki sene ikamet etmiş olan Ebû Musa el-Eş’arî ve dört sene bulunan İbn Abbas’tır. Mezkûr iki sahâbenin fıkhî müktesabatlarının yanında çok sayıda hadis rivayetine sahip olduğu da bilinmektedir. Ancak buna rağmen her ikisinin de İbn Mes‘ûd’un, Kûfe’de yaptığı etkiyi gösterdikleri söylenemez. (...)
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    مدينة رواية لا مدينة فقه وعمل متوارث: دراسة في أثر أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه الحديثي والفقهي في البصرة.‪Ahmad Snobar - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):1491-1544.
    Bu çalışma hicrî birinci asrın ikinci yarısında Basra’da hadis ve fıkıh sahasındaki ilmî hareketliliği konu edinir. İlgili dönemde, orada yaşayan sahâbenin en meşhuru ve Hz. Peygamber’le en uzun süre birlikteliğe sahip olması hasebiyle, Enes b. Mâlik’in Basra’daki etkisi özel olarak ele alınır. Bu amaçla Enes b. Mâlik’le ilgili birçok rivayet tahlil edilir ve onun hem Basra’da hem de diğer şehirlerde yaşayan sahâbe ve tâbiûnla arasındaki ilmî ilişkileri üzerinde durulur. Çalışma mezkûr zaman diliminde Basra’da hadis faaliyetlerinin fazla, fıkıh faaliyetlerinin ise az (...)
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  47. The arabic original of liber de compositione alchemiae the epistle of maryanus, the hermit and philosopher, to Prince khalid Ibn yazid.Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan - 2004 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (2):213-231.
    The Liber de compositione alchemiae or the The Book of the Composition of Alchemy is believed to have been the first book on alchemy that was translated from Arabic into Latin. The translator was the Englishman Robert of Chester who was one of the earliest translators to flock to Spain to learn Arabic and to translate some of the Arabic works. He completed his translation on 11 February, 1144.
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  48. Ishkālīyat al-taʼwīl bayna kull min al-Ghazzālī wa-Ibn Rushd.Ahmad Abd Al-Muhaymin & Muhammad Atif Iraqi - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
  49. L'etica di Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Maskavaih.G. Furlani - 1918 - Rivista di Filosofia 10 (1):32.
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    Raggetti Lucia, ῾Īsā ibn ῾Alī’s Book on the useful properties of animal parts: Edition, translation and study of a fluid tradition , xxxvi-591 p. [REVIEW]Fabian Käs - 2019 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 29 (2):285-288.
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